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EDOUARD MANET. 1832-1883


Oil on canvas. 72 X 92 cm. Inv. No 3443

Inscribed lower right on the canvas: Certifie d'Ed.

Manet, Vve Ed. Manet

The picture was bought by Sergei Shchukin from Ad. Tavernier for 4,800 francs in 1900 in Paris. Evidently in 1903 Shchukin sold the canvas to Mikhail Morozov in whose collection it remained until 1910. There are two drawings relating to the picture: one, made in pencil in 1878 (the Carroll Ann Statkin Collection, New York), almost exactly reproduces its central and right-hand parts; the other, in India ink, wash and pencil (according to F. Mathey it is in the L. Rouart and Barillon Collection in Paris), almost completely coincides with the Pushkin Museum canvas. Both drawings differ from the latter only in that the tree is depicted in them on the other side of the counter. The picture was apparently painted in 1878— 79. According to Jamot-Wildenstein, it shows a bar in Place Moncey in Paris. Tabarant states that the bar depicted is situated near the Porte Clichy. The fact that Manet repeatedly turned to the motif of the

male figure sitting by the table suggests that he intended to use it in one of his pictures. Provenance: until 1900 The Ad. Tavernier Collection, Paris; since 1900 The S. Shchukin Collection, Moscow; 1903—10 The M. Morozov Collection, Moscow; 1910— 25 The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow; 1925—48 The Museum of Modern Western Art, Moscow; since 1948 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Exhibitions: 1955 Moscow, Cat., p. 43; 1960 Moscow, Cat., p. 26; 1966-67 Tokyo, Kyoto, Cat. 49; 1974 Leningrad, Cat. 17; 1974—75 Moscow, Cat. 7

Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1957, p. 84; Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 115; Vente de la collection Tavernier, Paris, 1900, March 6, No 54, ill.; Кат. галереи Третьяковых 1917, No 3924, p. 289; Ternovetz 1925, p. 457; E. Moreau-Nelaton, Manet raconte par lui-meme, vol. I, Paris, 1926, p. 52, ill. 242; Кат. ГМНЗИ 1928, No 282; Reau 1929, No 900; Jamot-Wildenstein, Monet, Paris, 1932, No 292, ill. 333; Sterling 1957, ill. 65; Ревалд 1959, pp. 140— 141; Прокофьев 1962, ill. 124; F. Mathey, Graphisme de Manet, vol. 2, Paris, 1963, No 64; Antonova 1977, No 96



Oil on canvas. 65 X 54 cm. Inv. No 3469 Signed right: E M.

Antonin Proust (1832—1905), uncle of the novelist Marcel Proust, was Minister of the Interior and, from 1881, Minister of Fine Arts in France. A schoolmate of Manet, he later wrote reminiscences about the artist. A. Ta-barant mentions five portraits of Proust painted by Manet and dates the Pushkin Museum work to 1877. Provenance: until 1918 The I. Ostroukhov Collection, Moscow; 1918—29 The Museum of Icons and Paint-

ings, Moscow; 1929—48 The Museum of Modern Western Art, Moscow; since 1848 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Exhibitions: 1955 Moscow, Cat., p. 43; 1960 Moscow, Cat., p. 26; 1965 Bordeaux, Cat. 64; 1965—66 Paris, Cat. 66; 1974—75 Moscow, Cat. 8

Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1957, p. 84; Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 115; Кат. галереи Третьяковых 1911, No 89; Reau 1929, No 901; A. Tabarant, Manet et ses ceuv-res, Paris, 1947, p. 313; Sterling 1957, p. 88; Ревалд 1959, pp. 310—311


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