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ANDRE DERAIN. 1880-1954


Oil on canvas. 82 X 101 cm. Inv. No 3377 Signed lower right: a derain

The picture was painted in 1905 at Collioure, where Derain worked with Matisse, and was shown at the first Fauve exhibition in the 1905 Salon d'Automne. It was previously entitled Fishing Boats, and erroneously dated 1907.

Provenance: until 1907 The A. Vollard Collection, Paris; 1907—18 The I.Morozov Collection, Moscow; 1918— 48 The Museum of Modern Western Art, Moscow; since 1948 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Exhibition: 1905 Paris (Salon d'Automne), Cat. 440 Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 71; Маковский 1912, p. 20; Ternovetz 1925, p. 487; Кат. ГМНЗИ 1928, No 166; Reau 1929, No 800; Cahiers d'Art 1950, p. 340



Oil on canvas. 66 X 82 cm. Inv. No 3279 The picture was painted in 1910 at Cagnes. Provenance: The D. H. Kahnweiler Collection, Paris; until 1918 The S.Shchukin Collection, Moscow; 1918— 48 The Museum of Modern Western Art, Moscow; since 1948 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Exhibitions: 1965 Bordeaux, Cat. 78; 1965—66 Paris, Cat. 77

Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 72; Кат. собр. С. Щукина 1913, No 52, pp. 12—13; Тугендхольд 1914, p. 39; Перцов 1921, No 52, p. 109; Ternovetz 1925, p. 487; Кат ГМНЗИ 1928, No 153; Reau 1929, No 788; Cahiers d'Art 1950, p. 340; Прокофьев 1962, ill. 190; Musee de Moscou 1963, No 95, p. 201



Oil on canvas. 128 X 79 cm. Inv. No 3352 Signed on the reverse, upper left: a derain A watercolor View from the Window, similar to the Moscow picture, is now in the Flechtheim Collection, Diisseldorf. According to C. Einstein, it represents a sketch for Table by the Window. On the evidence of Alice Derain, wife of the artist, the Moscow canvas was painted in 1912 at Cahors. Its other analogues are Landscape in Provence (1914) and The Window (1913), both in the Kunstmuseum, Basle. The canvas may be dated 1912—13.

Provenance: The D. H. Kahnweiler Collection, Paris (No 1375); 1913—18 The S. Shchukin Collection, Moscow; 1918—48 The Museum of Modern Western Art, Moscow; since 1948 The Pushkin ' Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 72; Кат. собр. С. Щукина 1913, No 232, pp. 14—15; Тугендхольд 1914, p. 39; Перцов 1921, No 232, p. 109; Кат. ГМНЗИ 1928, No 156; Reau 1929, No 791 (entitled Vue de la fenetre); Cahiers d'Art 1950, p. 340



Oil on canvas. 92 X 73 cm. Inv. No 3378 Signed and dated on the reverse upper left: a derain The picture was painted in 1912 or 1913. Written on the reverse side of the subframe is Derain's address: Villa Paradis (Le Martigues); apparently the canvas was executed here. This is also corroborated by the existence of a similar 1912 variant, entitled Pine Grovz at Le Martigues. Kahnweiler dates the Pushkin Museum painting to 1913. It was bought by Ivan Morozov from D. H. Kahnweiler in 1913 for 2,500 francs. Provenance: until 1913 The D. H. Kahnweiler Collection, Paris (No 1474); 1913—18 The I. Morozov Collection, Moscow; 1918—48 The Museum of Modern Western Art, Moscow; since 1948 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Exhibition: 1966—67 Tokyo, Kyoto, Cat. 76 Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 72; Ternovetz 1925, p. 487, ill.; Кат. ГМНЗИ 1928, No 170; Reau 1929, No 804 (entitled La Pinede); Cahiers d'Art 1950, p. 340



Oil on canvas. 73 X 92 cm. Inv. No 3278 Signed on the reverse upper left: a derain It is possible that the Pushkin Museum picture depicts a bridge at Cagnes, where Derain worked in 1910. Another landscape of 1910, entitled The Old Bridge at Cagnes (see: D. Sutton, Andre Derain, Cologne, 1960, p. 12), features a similar locality, so that it is usually assumed that the Moscow canvas represents the bridge at Cagnes and refers to 1910. D. H. Kahn-weiler, however, thinks that it was painted later, in 1912.

Provenance: The D. H. Kahnweiler Collection, Paris; until 1918 The S.Shchukin Collection, Moscow; 1918— 48 The Museum of Modern Western Art, Moscow; since 1948 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 72; Кат. собр. С. Щукина 1913, No 50, pp. 12—13; Тугендхольд 1914, p. 39; Перцов 1921, No 50, p. 109; Тугендхольд 1923, PP. 106, 139; Кат. ГМНЗИ 1928, No 158; Reau 1929, No 793; Cahiers d'Art 1950, p. 340



Oil on canvas. 181 X 228 cm. Inv. No 3353 Signed lower right: a derain

On the evidence of D. Sutton, the picture's title was suggested by Apollinaire (see: D. Sutton, Andre De-rain, Cologne, 1960, p. 156). The canvas may be dated to 1911—14.

Provenance: until 1914The D. H. Kahnweiler Collection, Paris; 1914—18 The S. Shchukin Collection, Moscow; 1918—48 The Museum of Modern Western Art, Moscow; since 1948 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Exhibition: 1964 Leningrad, Cat., p. 16 Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 72; Перцов 1921, No 235, p. 109; Тугендхольд 1923, ill. 109; Ternovetz 1925, p. 486; Ettinger 1926, part 2, p. 127, ill.; Кат. ГМНЗИ 1928, No 163; Reau 1929, No 798; Cahiers d'Art 1950, p. 340; Antonova 1977, No 129



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