Maria Kochubei (1779—1844), nee Vasilchikova, lady
of honour, was the wife of Chancellor Victor Kochubei
(1768—1834), who was head of the Ministry of Home
Affairs (1801—12 and 1819—25).
This portrait, a pendant to the portrait of Prince
Victor Kochubei (The Hermitage, Inv. No 4645), was
painted around 1809.
Provenance: from the early 1800s The V. Kochubei Collection, St Petersburg; 1908 The Durnovo Collection, St Petersburg; until 1923 The Stroganov Palace Museum, Petrograd; 1923—30 The Hermitage, Leningrad; since 1930 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Exhibitions: 1908 St Petersburg, Cat. 253; 1955 Moscow, Cat., p. 35
Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1957, p. 57; Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 82; Прокофьев 1962, ill. 90