87 VILLAGE WEDDING Petrograd; 1924—28 The Hermitage, Leningrad; since
(THE BRIDE'S GARTER) 1928 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Oil on panel. 46 X 58 cm. Inv. No 1106 Exhibition: 1808 Paris (Salon)
The picture was painted in 1808. A finished drawing Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1948, p. 77; Кат. ГМИИ
for it was put up at the auction of the Bruun Neer- 1957> p 175; Кат ГМИИ 1961, p. 180; A. D'Escra-
gard Collection in Paris. gnolle, "Антуан Тоне", Старые годы, 1910, Decem-
Provenance: 1809—1924 The Yusupovs Collection, Ar- her, p. 27; Кат. Юсуповской галереи 1920, No 119;
khangelskoye (near Moscow) and St Petersburg— Эрнст 1924, p. 166, ill.; Reau 1929, No 653
 87 VILLAGE WEDDING Petrograd; 1924—28 The Hermitage, Leningrad; since