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Зарубежная литература

Avison, Charles. An Essay on Musical Expression. 1753

Angelo, Henri. Reminiscences. London, 1828. V. 1 Barell, John. The Dark Side of the Landscape: The Rural Poor in English Painting 1730-1840.

Cambridge, 1980 Bate-Dudley, Henry. The articles. Morning Post, 1777-1780, and Morning Herald, 1780-1788 Burlington Magazine, February 1977, April 1983 Catalogue of the Exibition «Gainsborough and his Musical Friends».

London, Kenwood House, 1977 J. Constable's Correspondence. Ed. R. B. Becket. 1964. Vol. 6

Corri, A. The Search for Gainsborough. Cape, 1984 Cunningham, Allan. The Lives of the Most Eminent British Painters, Sculptors and Architects. London, 1829-33

Dayes, E. Notes on Contemporary Artists. 1805 Edwards, Edward. Anecdotes of Painters. London, 1808 Friedlander. Gainsborough als Radierer. Kunst und Kunstler, 1915, September Fulcher, George Williams. The Life of Thomas Gainsborough. Sudbury, 1856 Farington, Joseph. Diary, 1793-1821. Original manuscript in the Royal Library, Windsor Castle; typescript of the original manuscript in the British Museum Print Room. Selected extracts publ. by J. Greig

The Farington Diary .Vol. 1-8. 1922-28 Hayes, John. Gainsborough: Paintings and Drawings. 1975

Hayes, John. The Landscape Paintings of Thomas Gainsborough. V. 1,2. 1982 Jackson, William. The Four Ages. London, 1798 Ozias, Humphry. Biographical Memoir, c. 1802, Manuscript in the Royal Academy, London Hoare, Prince. Epochs of the Arts. London, 1813 Lindsay, Jack. Thomas Gainsborough, his Life and Art. London, 1981 Middlesex Journal, April 1772 Morning Chronicle, 8 August 1788 Northcote, James. Conversations. London, 1830, 1981

Parke, W. T. Musical Memoirs. London, 1830 Paulson, Ronald. Gainsborough: Form versus Representation. Emblem and Expression: Meaning in English Art of the Eighteenth Century. 1975 Paulson, Ronald. Literary Landscape: Turner and Constable. Yale, London, 1982 Price, Uvedale. Essays on the Picturesque. London, 1810 Pyne, W. H. (Ephraim Hardcastle). Wine and Walnuts. London, 1824. Vol. 1, 2. Pyne, W. H. (Ephraim Hardcastle). Somerset House Gazette, March 1824 Quarterly Review, Mai 1809 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Discourses on Art. Ed. R. Wark. San Marino, 1959 Rosenthal, M. British Landscape Painting. 1982 Smith, John Thomas. Nollekens and his Time,London, 1928, 1949 Terry. John Christian Bach. 1929 Thicknesse, Philip. A Sketch of the Life and Paintings of Thomas Gainsborough, Esq.

London, 1788 Trimmer (Kirby) in: Thornbury, W. The Life of J. M. W. Turner. 1862. Vol. 2 Waterhouse, Ellis K. Painting in Britain.

Gainsborough. 1530-1790. 1953 Waterhouse, Ellis K. Gainsborough. 1958 The Walpole Society, vol. for 1915-1917 Virtue Note Books, Vol. 3 Whitley, William T. Thomas Gainsborough. London, 1915 Woodall, Mary. The Letters of Thomas Gainsborough. London, 1963

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